Good people brings luck and success + Happiness

Juara 1. Pelatihan jurnalisme warga

by: Asif Pazwak

Foto Bersama GARAMIN

My name is Asif Pazhwak. I was born in Malistan, Ghazni, Afghanistan.

I came to Indonesia on 2015 and now I am living in Kupang Nusa Tenggara Timur Indonesia.

 Since I was a little boy I love to have more friends that I can play the funniest game with them. Like we are happy 100% and already made a deal for our friendship. Rule number one. The one who brings the most delicious food would be the boss for one day. So we all were trying to get the best things for our friends without knowing it would teach us a big lesson.

Once we grew up and going to high school and University till Graduation. I found out that I and my friends are too close to one another just like a family member that always in our mind and if there was anything wrong with friends my heart start beating faster and couldn’t wait to see that my friend has a problem. I must do everything to solve the problem no matter how difficult it was because we love one another truly from the bottom of our hearts and everything that we do are full of love 💖.

So, the good news is, I have experienced the same friendship with my friends with disabilities in Kupang NTT once again. Here is the story:

1. In a beautiful day On Sunday at the end of 2018 we just finished our English class in Rumah Sejuta Mimpi (The House of Million Dream)

By looking to the class again I have seen two new visitors.  They are: Ms. Berti Soli Dima Malingara and Ms. Elmi Sumarni Ismau  After greetings Ms.Berti talked about her studying in Australia. And she is willing to open a community for supporting friends with disabilities. I said WOW!! I got super happy to hear such a great idea from her. Then we shared our ideas and I mentioned that I would love to support the community as a volunteer English teacher. It was a rainy day and the interesting topic brought us to a deep discussion for hours although it seems just like a few minutes and we already made a deal to take care of it.

Then Three months later Berti calling me and share the good news that the community’s paper work has been done. And yes I could understand and feel her happy voice from the phone call. And she added that we got an old office too for begin our activity and everything looks fine. So we will start our activities to support friends with disabilities next week. And we also need your support Mr Asif. Berti asked; Are you ready to teach English for our community as a volunteer teacher?

My answer was;. Yes, sure! So see you next week.

Perayaan Hari Disabilitas 03/12/2020

Once I joined to the community. I met the other members, like Mr Edwin, Ms. Dina, Ms. Yani and so on. We become good friends because they are real friends with full of kindness, positive energy and love which touched my heart and encouraging me to get ready for every single activity and enjoy our English class and have a lot of fun include learn new things about my friends with disabilities like what they feel when someone not treating them as they expecting.

To be honest I love and enjoy talking with all of my friends from (ULD) and Garamin NTT. I wish I could learn sign language (Bahasa Isyarat) too, to make communication with my lovely friends who are not able to hearing and talking.

I am sure my friends from Garamin totally understand what I said cause they pay attention on every single word that I use. From other side I also understand what they feel. So it bring Us close to one another and we feel like we are at the same boat. We respect to one another and never judge about other but instead we always try to not make other people feel bad and disappointed.

2. Our ability is much stronger than our disability!

I believe and want to say yes it is true because I have seen it from my own eyes in our community in real life story and I am so proud to have Such a strong and smart friends from (ULD) and Garamin NTT.

Pelatihan Pembuatan Hand Sanitizer

I have learned a lot from my friends with disabilities, especially about (Kindness and respect) to everyone, be a real person no matter who you are and what kind of disabilities you are facing to.

3. Satisfaction and contentment to Garamin NTT.         We started from Zero. And now we have stood up Stable in Nusa Tenggara Timur Province. It just a big pleasure to see the Garamin NTT is doing great and already made strong connection with the society and different organizations include international Organizations to support the human rights especially the people with disabilities right. We are trying to do our best to help and get more facilities for friends with disabilities to the society. I believe to the people and society will support the community of Garamin NTT. With supporting one another we are able to make the best civilization for the society.

Note: I can’t wait to meet you guys in person, hope the covid19 disappears soon and we back to normal life.

Thank you.

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